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Kapcsolat Hírek és események

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Rg213 100m

Using the right cable If you wish to send a signal from a radio or TV, then it is crucial that you use the appropriate type of cable, identical to Coaxial cable's product koaxiális kábel ár. For this job, the best candidate would be a coaxial cable. Sub cables are designed with special materials that help it transmit signals without losing signals. That way, you are able to watch or listen your beloved programs and songs inconvenience.

Ideal for high-frequency applications such as radio and TV broadcasting

Radio, as well as TV are signals to be sent coaxial cable is an example of one such excellent candidate, along with the rg316 koax by Coaxial cable. It does work great because it keeps the signals clean and clear of any statics which may render them inaudible. This cable supports and you will have no problem or distortion even when compared with long distance signals. This ensures that you can continue to watch your favorite TV channels or listen to any favorite radio station without any hindrance.

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